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Improve the indoor climate with SkamoWall

A poor indoor climate can have serious health consequences, which is why it is important to deal with moisture and mold in homes.

What is an indoor climate?

An indoor climate refers to the conditions relating to indoor temperature, moisture, light, sound and odor. Maintaining good and a healthy indoor climate is important - both for your own health and for the building you are in.

One of the challenges that can affect the indoor climate and health is moisture. If the indoor climate is too moist, it can create a breeding ground for mold, which can lead to allergic reactions and respiratory diseases.

Too little focus on a good indoor climate

In the EU, the average person spends 90% of the time indoors, of which approximately 80 million live in homes with an unhealthy indoor climate – find out more here: VELUX Sustainability Report 2018.

A healthy indoor climate refers to maintaining indoor environmental conditions at a level that provides sufficient comfort and is within the relevant threshold values acceptable for one's health. The indoor climate can be affected by a number of factors, including building materials, humidity and air quality. To ensure a healthy indoor climate, it is important to control humidity and use the correct insulation materials.

The consequences of a poor indoor climate

A poor indoor climate can have a number of negative health consequences, including:

  1. Irritation of the eyes, nose and throat: Poor air quality in the indoor climate can lead to irritation in the eyes, nose and throat. This can lead to symptoms such as itching, watery eyes, runny nose and coughing.

  2. Aggravated allergies: Poor air quality can also aggravate allergies, as it can increase the amount of airborne allergens such as pollen, dust and mold spores.

  3. Respiratory problems: Poor ventilation can lead to the accumulation of airborne particles and moisture, which can lead to respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia.

  4. Headaches and fatigue: A poor indoor climate can also lead to headaches, fatigue and reduced productivity.

  5. Worsening symptoms of chronic diseases: High or low temperatures can aggravate symptoms of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.


On the whole, a poor indoor climate can have a negative impact on general health and well-being, and it is therefore important to ensure a healthy and comfortable indoor climate to avoid these consequences.